August 3, 2010

what all is happening in Kashmir?

Kashmir is on boil again. Like earlier, this time too it is the foolish handling of the political situation by the CM [ Omar Abdullah ] that first angered and now alienated the local population. The intelligence outfit of our too friendly neighbour, Pakistan, has only to stoke the fire with the help of disgruntled local youth and opportunistic politicians to make the locals feel that the Indian 'occupation' forces and their 'stooges' in power in Srinagar are out to crush their 'azadi'.

One after the other, the CMs have been blaming propaganda from Pak for the mess. They have been pushing local politicians into prisons now and then. They have brought in 'developmental grants' of massive proportions from the Indian government. Still, people come to the streets to show their disenchantment. Why?

Soplutions are not simple, every sane person knows. But what lacks is a sincere political will to solve the problem. CMs and Kashmiri politicians sitting in Delhi, not to speak of lesser breed, are busy nurturing their little fiefdoms. They must work against others and indulge in intrigue to save their political territories. When they are not in power, they must create problems for the ruling party/ parties even if it means invoking the djinn that Kashmir is in danger. They need to internationalise the issue so that there is more trouble for their adversary. They must look after political future of their progeny. They and all their kins must live a lavish lifestyle....

As it happens everywhere in such situations, sincere Kashmiris and their wellwishers are not able to stand up. They can debate issues ad nauseum on TV channels but cannot provide leadership. I am not including all debaters and orators in sincere group; a majority of them are likely to go with the wind.

Whoever the culprit, we have landed Kashmir into such a hapless situation. Only the Central Governement can take it out. Manmohan Singh should show statesmanship if he is sincere towards bringing order into the Kashmir chaos.

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